In the wake of the devastating Ibadan explosion on January 17, 2024, which claimed two lives and left many injured, the Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, has expressed heartfelt condolences to Governor Seyi Makinde and the government of Oyo State.
Zulum conveyed his sympathies to the immediate families of the victims and offered prayers for the swift recovery of those injured in the tragic incident, reportedly caused by the activities of illegal miners.
In a statement, Governor Zulum said, “We sympathize with the good people of Oyo State and, in particular, my dear brother and colleague, Governor Seyi Makinde, over this fire disaster.”
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Adding that “this is a trial from Allah to whom we submit in moments of pain and anguish.”
While applauding the calmness of Ibadan residents, he said “We pray that Allah, in his infinite mercy, will repose the souls of the departed and grant speedy recovery to the injured folks.”