By Gabriel Omonhinmin
…exposes dirty side of General Overseers of Nigerian churches
The Old Testament prophecy, among other things, was a declaration of God’s message to the people, which sometimes includes a message about future events. Prophets, who were uniquely empowered by the Spirit of God, were considered the mouthpiece of God. They spoke from their first-hand experience and knowledge of God.
A careful look at the Prophet in Psalms 75 to 83 will enable one to picture the signs and instruments as they served in the ministry of prophesying.
What did prophesying sound like? Sometimes it was a ringing declaration of God’s word for that moment. Other times it pronounced spiritual truth with authority or warned of impending judgment or reassured people of God’s deliverance. Often delivered in a poetic or figurative language, Old Testament prophecy usually focuses on God’s character and power. Sometimes Isaiah or Ezekiel seemed rather eccentric as they act out an object lesson to underscore their message from God.
Pastor Olusegun Mokuolu is a 42 years old part-time Pastor; he is the Coordinator of the Living Throne Ministry. His areas of concentration in the Ministry are discipleship, youth ministry, and church revival. He is currently an Assistant Director, in the Directorate of Corporate Affairs, at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, North Central Nigeria.
Just like Prophet Nathan did to King David, he has come out to warn Church Pastors, Prophets, and Church leaders especially Church General Overseers in Nigeria, to be mindful of what they do and preach, otherwise, they will incur the wrath of God.
Mokuolu declared boldly that Nigerian Church leaders are preaching covetousness instead of salvation, faith, and holiness. He added that their general lifestyle in the past 40 to 50 years has not also helped Nigeria’s development. Mokuolu noted that many G.Os are only desperate for money, which has contributed in very large measure to the present decadence in the country.
He said, “Dear General Overseer of Churches in Nigeria, I bring you greetings in the name of the Lord, and I speak the following words with utmost respect; I have great respect for you all.
“It has been in the news recently, that some of you have started lamenting about the spate of violence in Nigeria. It is nice to know that you are concerned and are speaking out. You are condemning the government and you are asking questions. But the surprising thing is that we are actually surprised that you church leaders are equally surprised about these ugly developments. We are surprised that you are lamenting too.
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“Now we are asking ourselves, what exactly did you people do, as Church leaders when all these ugly things were developing? And what do you people actually expect now? Do you people expect to see anything different in the country from the kind of messages Church leaders have been preaching in the country in the past 40 years? What kind of Christians do you people expect that these types of messages will produce? Another question is what kind of society did you people expect your messages to help produce?
“How do you expect Nigeria to be a righteous nation with the kind of messages most of you have been preaching in the past 40 to 50 years? The crux of your messages all these years is centered on materialism. All you’ve been preaching is nothing but messages that centered on how people are going to eat, spend and have money. You the Church leaders failed to raise righteous people for this society. You also failed to raise Godly people for Nigeria. You did not discipline people and you did not preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“Why are you then surprised? You never mobilized your followers to witness, and preach to the people who have become bandits today. Rather you keep mobilizing them to give, and to help you build magnificent buildings, which you people call Churches. These buildings in all honesty don’t mean anything or serve the purpose of the body of Christ. They really do nothing to the true believer. It is these same buildings you spend so much money to maintain.
“We are therefore wondering why some of you are surprised at the level of evil in Nigeria. If there is a group of people that have failed Nigeria, it is the Church. And within the Church, the greatest culprits are the General Overseers, the Pastors, and the preachers, who have refused to raise righteous people. But rather are after their own pockets, after what they will get, they are also after fame and name.
“When you preach to a group of people, saying If you are the firstborn of your family, you need to give some special offerings, how can Nigeria develop if these are the type of messages you are preaching? Again, you get up to preach saying they are going to eat and they will be filled. And if the Christian population in the country is to increase astronomically, how will they eat? How are we going to eat as Christians, if there is no mechanized farming? Is the food you preach that the Christian population is going to eat, going to drop from heaven?
“Who will be the people that are going to practice this mechanized farming if the needs ever arose? Do you expect members of other religions to farm and feed the Nigerian Christians? Sadly, Nigerian Church leaders keep putting people’s faith in things that are not real. Why? Church leaders want their folks to keep expecting some divine miracles; will God just throw money at Christians from heaven without work? Church leaders daily give the impression through their preaching that hard work is no longer needed for the faithful to grow, all they need to do is to keep giving offerings and they will be rich.
“Now, if you must know, the Church leaders are part of the people who created all the problems we are currently experiencing in the country. Why are some of you complaining that it is difficult to travel from one part of the country to another? Your past and present actions are part of the reason(s), my Lord General Overseer! These problems are now steering us on the face. It is because as Church leaders, you have not been preaching the truth. You know and see the decadence around you. If the Church is this corrupt, and if around you, we have this high level of corruption, what do you expect from the larger society? Jesus said, we are the light of the world, and we are the salt of the earth. Two kinds of relationships we must have with other people are being the light and salt to them.
“Some of you as Church leaders neither raised people that reflect light nor salt among your followers. Permit me to ask, where is the salt among your folks in today’s society? Where are the testimonies? When a General Overseer is preaching against women wearing trousers and suits instead of looking at more important issues. These irrelevant issues are what our G.Os have been preaching for decades, and they expect the society to develop and grow or for things to begin to work well in the country. How can this happen Mr G.O.?
“As Church leaders, you have continually let out the real issue of unrighteousness in your preaching. As a Church, we are now focusing on clothing, and you are expecting the society to turn right. Whenever our Church leaders travel either within or outside the country and once they arrive at their destinations, we begin to see their pictures all over the internet alerting us of their private jets.
“People also see you daily travelling in a convoy of exotic cars. These are the pictures you are painting to the young people in our society. These young men and women also want to be where some of you are today. They also want to have what you have. Unfortunately, the Nigerian economy does not support that mad craving for money and material wealth. In the process of looking like some of you G.Os, our Pastors and Church leaders, so many youths have resulted in stealing, kidnapping, robbery, and banditry.
“Many people who attend your programmes annually are into adultery, fornications, and ungodliness. You never get to do altar calls for these types of men and women. All you say during the crusades is ‘those who want to rise this year should come forward’. Every December you as Church leaders keep using sweet words to deceive your faithful. You keep saying ‘This is your year of upliftment! This is your year to rise and shine!!’ You continue this is your year of this and that. You have been saying these things for well over 40 years now.
“People are suffering and things are getting worse in society. In countries where people don’t believe in God, they are advancing far more than we do. You hold all kinds of night vigils, as Church leaders, you do not care about the safety of your folks; they have to travel several miles to attend your programmes. In these programmes, you keep promising them that you can solve all of their problems. Now as Church leaders, you are again urging your followers to go into active politics. Did you ever train, prepare or raise the Church members you are presently asking to go into active politics to do so? Did you raise any of your followers to stand as Daniel in our various offices across the land? Can you tell or show us the difference between a Christian and an unbeliever in some of our offices in Nigeria today? Why should any of you, as Church leaders, be surprised that there is a lot of evil today in this country called Nigeria?
“It is nice to know that Church leaders have now begun to realize that all the promises they have been making to their congregations are not visible. Why? Because the economy does not even support their empty promises to their folks. I know as a Pastor, you’ll be quick to say that we are dependent on heaven’s economy. You know, within your heart of heart, that people will continue to suffer because our economy is not good. No matter what you pray and prophesy. If we continue to pray and refuse to fix our hospitals and put adequate equipment in these hospitals that are supposed to help people to diagnose simple ailments, and tell them what is wrong with their health, people will continue to suffer and die.
“As Church leaders, instead of doing just this, you prefer to build big Church auditoriums; Church structures worth billions of naira just to gather people on Sundays. These same people will die at home because they have no diagnostic centers to go to when they are sick. No MRI scans. No X-ray and whatever. Simple ailment, people who are supposed to be members of your Churches and congregations are dying. God gave us this knowledge, and we have become so selfish and so self-centered. Church leaders now oppressed people even with their wealth. This is the wealth that came from the offering of some people.
“Let me tell you something Mr G.O. in Acts, the Bible says, they laid all that they had in the Apostles’ feet. The Apostles in question did not lay claim to that money as their personal money. They took this money and distributed it, and the bible says, there was none that lacked among them. But what you do today as Church leaders, you take all the money and begin to boast to us, that you are the richest Pastor in the world. You begin to boast to us that you have so much wealth. You prefer to oppress people with your wealth than to express the love of Jesus to them, in sharing it with everybody.
“Your chairs in the Church altar are separate, they have big cushions, while every other person can sit on a plastic chair in the Church assembly or auditorium during service. These are the kind of examples you are setting. If politicians are doing all these things, you should not blame them because these are the examples we see in you, sir.
“Mr G.O. Sir, where is the Christ that you have been preaching? Your gospel is largely becoming ineffective. Now you are begging people to respect you. For example, did the late Nelson Mandela beg anybody to respect him? NO! He was respected, because of the great sacrifices Madiba made. He is even respected so much after his passage. He is respected even in death. If an unbeliever is so much respected and venerated, how much more are the supposed servants of God?
“But instead, what you are now doing Mr G.O. is to threaten us that if we dare correct you that God will just spank us. We must not correct you, and we must not say anything against you, because you have raised so many young people now that have become sycophants.
“These sycophants now call you people father! father!! These groups of people have now become a clique. They have now become a cult. These people believe they can’t succeed in the Ministry except they bow to you. Some of them even believe that you carry some special anointing, that they must tap into before and until you go. Sir, Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 7, says that ‘God has given to every one of us the grace to succeed in life according to our measure of faith.’ We all have what we need to fulfil our ministries. Whether Apostles, Teachers, or Prophets. Jesus will give every man and woman what he or she needs sir. Note what you carry is for the body of Christ. What you carry is to raise the children of God to become like Christ. What everybody needs to do in the Ministry, Jesus will deposit in them.
“But you have confused people, that they now literally worship you. Many of you have surrounded yourself with sycophants who can never tell you the truth. Some of you have Universities, you have institutions. What students and teachers do in these schools is terrible. It is worse than what is happening in some federal institutions across the country.
“Some of your schools are dying, but now, you are blaming the government. Are we not supposed to be light and the salt of the earth? Where are the people that you have raised as Minister of God? You gather people from year to year, all that you do, or tell them, is about money and material success. How then, do you not expect that we are going to end up like this? Everybody is desperately looking for money. Everybody!!! When politicians come to you, you bless them. When people attend your programme what you preach to them is how to make more wealth. How to be wealthy. You tell them that the wealth you have now is still small. There is still a place God is taking them to. What do they want to do? A man has four cars. You are telling him that isn’t enough. Mr G.O. sir, how many cars do you want such a person to drive in life to be comfortable? Why are you teaching us covetousness?
“Why can’t some of our Churches’ G.Os. Speak the truth? Some of them have truly disappointed our Lord Jesus Christ. This is not the gospel Jesus commissioned you and committed you to preach. Most of these G.Os have turned the Church and Ministries into family affairs. Some of them, their children, oppressed people they talk to and have the audacity to be abusing Pastors.
“And the so-called G.O sits there watching, thinking the society will grow. Some of them, their children talk to believers, the people our Lord Jesus Christ died for as if they are beggars. As if these Pastors are nobody. You sit down there as a G.O. watching like Ella, as your children are desecrating the altar of God. Many of you are planning how you will quietly hand over your Ministries to your children.
“The Church of God has now become a family business. Because it is now all about money and wealth. And then you are wondering why Nigeria is bad? Why will it not be bad? If you as a G.O. of a Church or Ministry is all concerned about money, what do you expect from the kidnapper?
“What do you expect from the hoodlums and the armed robbers? If you must know it all about money today. The lady that is prostituting her body, she is doing so, because she wants money. They are looking for money. Many of you G.Os are stealing from the people. You are preaching and they are dropping money. And sir, you think that is the call of God. Do you think this is the same gospel that Apostle Paul preached? Do you think this is the same gospel Peter preached? That he told somebody, that may you perish with your money. For you think, you can buy the gift of God with money.
“You keep telling your congregations that in everything, they just need to sow seeds. They just need to give. It has become so bad, that some of you are saying that if people don’t pay tithes, they will not make heaven. Using this to nullify the works of Jesus. If that is what is required to make heaven, why did Jesus die? If that was what was required, God would just send a message to everyone on earth, saying ‘just pay 10 percent of whatever you have and you’ll make heaven.’ But this is what most of you G.Os are preaching now, if we try to correct some of you, we will be accused of being rebellious. Some of you will end up saying that we are disrespectful. Now we must honour some of you above the words of God? God forbid. Respectfully, we will not do such a thing. We will honour the words of God above some of you G.Os. Let God be the one to judge ultimately, if we have been rude or we have spoken rightly against you people let God be the judge.
“Some of you G.Os should not be fearful about what will happen to us. Face what will happen to you. Because many of you are going to face the wrath of God. God has given so many of you great opportunities. He gave some of you great opportunities. He opened great doors to some of you. He opened the hearts of people to some of you. He gave some of you millions of people. Why? So that you people can raise them, to become like Jesus Christ. What did some of you do? You turned them into a factory that produces money for you. You turn these people into printing machines that print money for some of you. This is what you really care about.
“Sir, G.Os don’t be surprised with what is happening now. It is what you have sowed over the years that society is presently reaping. All the things happening now are mostly a result of the kind of messages some of you have been preaching over the years. All your past messages had no positive effect on anything. Sadly, once people come to the Churches and hear some of you when they get to their respective places of work, they are as corrupted as anybody. How can society be changed? How? I want the G.Os and their Pastors to tell me.
“God is not partial, in countries where they don’t know God, and they are hardworking and they strive for their societies and for their economy, they are developing. It is because God is not partial. The scriptures you quote, that seedtime and harvest will always be. You see, what that means. People will always reap what they sow. If you work hard for your country and you try to make your country great, the country will be great.
“It was someone who came out and transformed Singapore. When Church leaders begin to raise a Christian that God will use to transform this country Nigeria, it will be transformed. This has not happened because of the kind of persons some of our G.Os are presently raising. If the people G.Os are presently grooming are made Governors of States, they will steal money. If they are made Senators, they will steal money.
They will be corrupt. When, therefore, will some of these G.Os raise a Daniel for us? When will all their preaching be about Jesus? And not about themselves and members of their immediate families. Is it any surprise that some of these G.Os have decided to surround themselves with sycophants, who will always tell them what they want to hear? Some of them have become Demigods. If people want to see some of them, it is as if they want to see God. Some of these G.Os’ wives, if elderly members of the church want to talk to them, they have to kneel down. Who do these G.Os think they are? Our concern as Christians is about Jesus Christ, not them.”