
Why I don’t like to be part of some movies in Nollywood


Gabriel Afolayan ‘G-Fresh’ has sure mastered his craft so well and blessed fans with his acting prowess in movies. Tagged one of Nigeria’s good looking actor, Gabriel has earned recognition both home & abroad with his recent performance in new Netflix original series ‘Blood Sister’.

In this interview with OMONIYI ALLI, the love ballad musician spoke about his career among other issues.

 To start with, in your opinion do you think Nollywood needs funding or a better structure?

You need to see how Netflix handles their job and glean from it. From the funding, to production and costume, it is top notch. You don’t have to cut corners or pain the picture the way it is not. With the funding the platform is providing, Nollywood needs to be better organised to get the best out of it.

Your recent input in ‘Blood Sister Movie’ has the trend, why did you decide to be part of the project?

The job is good and I love it. I fell for it.

It is good in what sense?

I fell in love with the script and it was something I really wanted to jump on. Secondly, I love the studio handling it-EbonyLife and thirdly Netflix. You know what it means to be on a job powered by Netflix as an actor. These are the factors I considered carefully before accepting the job.

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What about the storyline?

The story itself has a lot of societal values instilled in it, one that the people will not just get to see but they will learn a lot from. They will be entertained and see likeable characters; you will see characters that are closer to you and those that are far distant to you. So all these key elements formed the reason why I chose the script.

The movie has been the talk of the town and people really commended your role and how it was interpreted. What do you make of this movie and how much did it change you as a man?

I think the lesson in the movie is my number one take away. The part that I played talks more about sibling’s rivalry which is imminent in all homes; setting standard and wanting the kids to match to it. This for me, is a big issue that we don’t get to talk about more often.

It is so deep in many homes today that people tend to cause unnecessary troubles in their homes because of this standard. So, I felt I could speak to the people through this character. I want people to know how bad this is and why parenting can be bad when you choose a favourite among your kids.

It is so bad that some people grow old to keep fighting even among the family. Those are the ills in the movie that got me attracted to the role that I said there is nothing that will stop me from being part of this project. No other reason got me attracted to the movie.

Not even the money from Netflix?

I can tell you that it was not for the money.

But was the money good?

Yes, the money was good. Trust me when I say the money was good.

You appear most time in selected movies, is it that you don’t want to feature in movies or you don’t get invited to be part of movie projects?

This question cracks me really hard when you say I appear in selected movies in the industry. I don’t bounce in and bounce out. It is just a careful career choice that I have chosen. I wish I could show you the number of scripts I get regularly that I don’t entertain.

You have always been like this…

The truth is I am only trying to make careful career choices for myself and giving the best of myself to the craft when the time is right. I don’t have to entertain all the jobs that come my way but I love to do what makes me happy and gives my career the facelift it needs.

With the newbies in the industry; how do you ensure that your career keeps getting the attention it deserves?

Like I said, I have chosen a career path that I must follow carefully and consciously. It does not mean my career will not be in the spotlight or I have to force my way into the game.

Half of the time, it is always good to do things that resonate with you and your brand because whether you like it or not, whatever you feel as an actor in the role you are playing is what the audience will feel when they see you in the movie.

Between music and movie which is your favourite?

It is the same attention I put towards both. I cannot say I love one more than the other. I can’t just pick one because the passion I have for acting is the same I have for music. This is for those that think I want to quit acting for music; no, there is nothing like that.

Acting is forever with me; music is an added trait. It’s more of a case of an actor who doesn’t want to sit down and stay idle when he’s not on set, and goes to the studio so that things can keep happening. That’s what’s up!

How do you juggle the two knowing they are time consuming?

I have been able to do that. I know what I want to do clearly with music, it is an additional business kind of. Everybody knows me as an actor. We have everything properly scheduled.

Once I am not on location filming, it means I am in the studio recording. Once I am not working, I am doing shows.

Will it be right to say movie is more about the scripts for you?

A lot of times I get some scripts that I don’t fall for at all and I don’t mean any disrespect. I just don’t want to be part of that job.

You have been part of a number of projects strongly powered by Netflix, what do you think the platform still needs to do to help the Nigerian movie industry to the next level?

I think Netflix is doing what it ought to do. Netflix has been doing really well and we all can see the results of the impact they have had on the industry.

So why does it seem as though the industry still struggles to meet up with the standard?

I think we need to organize ourselves more. I have to tell you for fact that Nollywood as a whole needs a better organization. The Netflix has already done what we need from them. We now have to get serious about how we approach this platform and what we bring to the table.

We have to honour this platform and do things the right way. This new project is one of the ways to do things the right way. The production aspect of this work is top notch.

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