
Chelsea: Nick Candy forms consortium to take over

Chelsea fan and renowned UK property developer, Nick Candy has stepped up keen interest to buy over the club after he opted to form a consortium with a fellow committed fan, Sir Martin Broughton.

Broughton, a former Liverpool, and British Airways chairman is a longtime supporter of the North London club that is presently in the shove of government restrictions.

Candy, who has tendered a bid amongst 200 other bidders, will have to show proof alongside other interested bidders before the club account statement and worth will be made available The Trumpet gathered.

According to the property developer whose father would have played for his boyhood club, the future of Chelsea must be protected from imminent collapse. Regardless of who finally gets ownership, Candy stated that his concern is to ensure that the club ends up under the control of a reputable bidder poised to build on the successes of Chelsea.

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Candy assured Chelsea fans that a seat will be created for them on the board where they can contribute extensively and economically to the decision-making organ of the club.

“One hundred percent, the fans need to be included in ownership and they should be involved. Both on the board and economically,” he said.

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