
Science of total submission

The science of total submission has proved that total submission to any constituted authority activates love, trust and deep friendship in that relationship, be it physical or spiritual.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was totally submissive to the Word of God in His journey on earth.  He never did anything on His own but only did what He saw the Father do according to Him.

Even at the tail end of His journey on earth when He needed to die on the Cross to save humanity from sin and death, He requested if God could change the PROGRAMME by allowing the cup of compulsory death to pass from Him, but He finally said: ” nevertheless not as I will, but as thou will”.

The scripture recorded in Matthew 26 verse 39 thus: ” And He went a little farther, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou will”. Therefore, it was total submission to the Will of God that made Jesus Christ triumph and not His wisdom.

The Apostles and Disciples were also totally submissive and obedient to the command of Jesus Christ and that is why they were victorious. Before Jesus Christ finally ascended to Heaven, He left instructions for them to remain in Jerusalem until they receive power from God through the Holy Ghost baptism before they could take the gospel and spread it to the world.

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This is exactly what the Apostles and Disciples did because it was in one of such tarrying and waiting for the promise from on high that the Holy Spirit suddenly came down and baptized all of them in the upper room.  They didn’t jump the gun and started preaching immediately after Jesus left for Heaven, but followed the instruction to the letter and waited.

Jesus said in the book of Luke chapter 24 verse 49 thus: ” And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry (wait) in Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high”, and this is exactly what they did until the day Pentecost when all of them were baptized with the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem.

 So, total submission brings blessings If a worker is not totally submissive to the instructions of a master, it shows clearly that there will not be unity of purpose and the company will not be able to succeed in its mission because there will be confusion.

If a house help or home worker is not submissive to the instructions of the employer in the house, it won’t take long before the end of that relationship will come.

If the Deputy Governor or Vice President of a government is not submissive to the instructions of the Governor or President respectively, there will be anarchy in that government soon.

In essence, the truth is that living a successful life is about total submission to the will and words of the Almighty God and not too many struggles.

 Your destiny as created by God has been secured before you were born, but it takes your obedience and total submission to the Word of God to inherit what has been written about you, or else the devil will unveil and execute his destiny of destruction for that person.

If you believe in God and want God to be your Helper and Friend, you have to know His written constitution (Bible and other complementary and non-contradictory scriptures) for man and be submissive to obey every word there.

In the word of God, total submission to God and other earthly authorities approved by God is the beginning of salvation. However, the first structure that God created on earth for man is the nuclear family hence God wants order to be in homes, and the hierarchical structure God has created is the Husband/ father, Wife/mother and children.

 This knowledge and subsequent submission in that order are important because the problem of this world started from the lack of total submission and obedience to God in the home of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

 In fact, it is still the lack of total submission to God’s order in the home that is turning the whole world upside down today.

This lack of submission to the hierarchical order and subsequent anarchy in the home is largely responsible for raising rebellious, wayward and destructive children today in the world, thereby multiplying evil in the world.

According to God’s word, the head of the nuclear family relationship is the man/husband while the woman/wife is next, then the children. That however does not mean that man should be a dictator because even God consults His creatures at times before taking some decisions.

The husband and head of the home should manage his home with Godly wisdom and know the information to share with the family and what not to share. The wife is the second in command and her contributions to the family are very key also. Even the children can bring the right suggestions and contributions to the family at times and those suggestions can be accepted or moderated to blend with the situation on the ground for the entire success of the family.

In conclusion therefore the science of total submission both to God and in our man to man relationships has proved that total submission to a constituted authority breeds harmony and love but any form of disobedience and rebellion breeds hatred and disharmony in that system. So, to succeed under the authority of God is to obey the Word of God without moving to the right or moving to the left.

God has said we should be Holy because He is Holy and what we need to do by all means is to cling to the Word of God always and remain Holy so that we can enjoy the complete blessings He has created for us. God bless us in Jesus Name.

Pastor ESANEROVO TRINITY AGBODO is a Contributing Editor with The Trumpet Newspaper and can be reached on or 08075504012 (WhatsApp).

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